José Antonio de Yturriaga
of Spain
It is difficult to state precisely when
Catalanism became Nationalism, It did not happen overnight, but throughout a
gradual process in which Catalanism lowered its initial predominant cultural
nature to deepen its political profile and turned itself into Nationalism.
After de disaster of 1898 and the lost by Spain of her colonies, Catalanism
leant towards political activity. During the conflict, the movement Uniò Catalana published a Statement in
which it blamed the Madrid Government for the dismembering of the Spanish
domains due to a policy which “put at
risk of death all the creations of the Catalonian genius”, and placed
Catalonia totally outside of what was happening in Cuba and in the Philipines.
For that reason, it considered demanding that the region acquires command of
its internal interests and exercise its influence in the managing of its
external interests. Once the colonial disaster was consummated, the nationalist
politicians increased their criticism against Spain ,
which was described as “an unbound bundle
of African tribes“, whereas Catalonia
was “the main representative of European
civilization”. If Spain
wanted to rise from this situation, she should “resort to the ideals, to the fortitude and to the Governmental
traditions of Catalonia ”.
Such comments were a typical show of the supremacism inscribed in the AND of Nationalism.
The Spanish Royal Academy of Language defines
Nationalism as “a doctrine which exalts
in every respect the full national personality or whatever their supporters
consider it as such”. It considers, therefore, a double component: one
objective –the exaltation of national personality- and another subjective –the
nationalists´ concept of such personality-. This subjective element makes it
possible that Nationalism may adopt many different forms. There is not a unique
Nationalism, but diverse manifestations of it, which may vary according to the
Already in 1932, José Ortega y
Gasset described the “particularist” Nationalism of Catalonia as “a feeling of vague outline of variable
intensity. aslthough sufficiently clear, which takes possession of a group
of people or a community, which makes it
ardently desire to live apart from the
other people or communities”. Nationalists “feel a mysterious and fatal inclination, an eagerness to keep
themselves out, exempt, alien to any fusion, secluded and entranced in
themselves”. According to Gabriel Tortella, the Catalonian nationalism is
the main problem that has faced Spain
since the Transition and it is difficult to foresee its end. The Basque
nationalism was the protagonist at the end of last century and –after ETA´s defeat-
allowed a transitory period of appeasement, but the Catalonian nationalism, with
its measures of pressure, extortion and exclusion –although concealed, not less
despicable- assumed the role to demolish the Spanish State. This situation
posed a series of problems, one of which was the nature of Nationalism., But it
is not easy to explain, because there is not a single Nationalism, but various
varieties of it depending on the latitudes and on historical, cultural and
ethnic conditions.
Two main classes of Nationalism can
be considered: the one which exalts the virtues of the nation –its history, its
traditions, its language, its culture, its folklore or its gastronomy- and that
with an identitarian character, which excludes those who do not share their
ideas. The first is a factor of progress which is commendable; the second is, on
the contrary, a factor of regression and should be rejected. Following Giuseppe
Mazzini, the identitarian nationalism believes that every group of people
deserves a nation and a State. Some of them become independentists; others
content themselves with an autonomy considered sufficient to protect their
collective identity. According to Rafa Latorre, Nationalism has imposed in Catalonia a hardly
subtle form of collective extortion described as “peace of consensus” –as little deserving and disuasive as the “peace of the cemeteries”-, which protectsa
very delicate biosphere, that become hostile to those who dissent. In spite of
their historical or geographic peculiarities, Nationalism offers certain common
Nationalism needs an external enemy
in order to assert its personality- Sometimes, it has one; otherwise, it is
invented. For Catalaonia, the ancestral enemy is Spain-Castille-Madrit, the Spanish people, the
Castilian language, the culture of Spain , her customs and traditions
–especially bullfighting- and even the Real Madrid. Their fierce attitude
against everything Spanish- leads the nationalists to defame Spain whenever they have a chance and encourage
in Europe suspicions and doubts about the
quality of her democracy, with the complicity of the Eurosceptic and anti-European groups. Fortunately –as the
European deputy Teresa Giménez Barbat has pointed out-neither the European
States nor the EU institutions have given in to those who –in the name of
identity- would like to go back to the source of conflicts that existed in Europe before it became, thanks to the Union, “the most prosperous, enlightened and
progressive community of the planet, that –in virtue of the principles of
cooperation and solidarity- has created a space. not only economic or
political, but also moral”. According to César Antonio Molina, we have to
deal with “an invented nationalism, full
of ill will and resentment, profusely vengeful, that has increased more and
more its old scab of tribal hate”.
Nicolás Redondo considers that the
confrontation between nationalism and cosmopolitism has been raised by
identitarian nationalists who –wrapped up in their flags, their supremacism and
their fancy nostalgia- have placed themselves
outside a globalized world. The Catalonian nationalism is introverted,
endogamic, solipsist, plaintive and mournful. It despises globalization and has
managed to control every public space in an asphyxiating way. It is convinced
that the Catalonian people are “victims”, who have been unable to reach
their objectives due to the violent repression of the Spanish State .
This victimism cultivated year after year gives them their supreme right not to
comply with the law and with the sentences of the tribunals. “How to blame people oppressed during centuries for some minor
legal violations, if they are necessary in order to break the oppressive yoke?”.
The calvary of persecutions that they have suffered gives them the right to
insult their opponents, to impose their narrow political frame to the
Catalonian society, to violate the law, to interpret reality as they like and
to reject criticism, opposition and discrepancy. The soul of Catalonian
identity survives only thanks to the
tension with the creation of enemies, which are more imaginary than real. The
nationalist need the conflict in order to maintain the purity of the “Holy Grail” of their ideology, whereas
cosmopolitism represents the opposite. It is the difference between “culture”
in general, understood as the ambit in
which the spiritual and creative activity of mankind develops, and “my
culture”, understood as the spirit of the people to which I belong, which impregnates my thoughts an my attitudes, with
the exclusion of those of the others.
Falling back upon oneself and upon
one´s traditions implies sticking to the past and refusing a globalization
which is as unavoidable as positive. For many years the Spaniards have been
absorbed in themselves and alien to changes which were transforming the world,
and this attitude has been accentuated in the case of peripheral nationalisms,
which reject what they do not know and all that does not coincide with their
narrow frame of mind. They pay tribute to an invented past ant to an identity
artificially created, and follow Ernest Renan´s thesis that historical error is
an essential factor in the creation of a nation.
The Catalonian journalist Agustí Calvet,
Gaziel, pointed out in 1930 the “the
political sign of Catalonian land, since Spain constituted herself as a
national entity at the end of the XV century, has constantly been a show of
protest. Hardly amenable with the increasing uniformity of the Spanish State ,
Catalonia has
lived, politically speaking, in a permanent state of ill humour and sulkiness”.
According to Ortega y Gasset, all through its history, Catalonia
has dragged a terrible destiny and, accordingly, it has been in “an almost incessant moan”, and –for
Sergi Doria-Catalonian nationalism is a carrier of everlasting grievances.
The use and the abuse of History is one of the
fundamental features of Nationalism and its manipulation has been a sign of
identity of Catalonian nationalism,
whish has indulged in grotesque and delirious assertions by the Intitute Nova Història, according to
which Hernán Cortés, Christopher Columbus, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Ávila,
Erasmus of Rotterdam, Ieronimus Bosch “il Bosco”, Leonardo da Vincir or Miguel
de Cervantes were Catalonian, and Don Quichotte himself came from Catalonia and
not from La Mancha. Jordi
Canal has commented –tongue
in cheek- that he did not understand how the historical authorities had not
claimed so far that the first “homo
sapiens” was Catalonian. Jordi Pujol stated that history and language
constituted the basis for the national definition of Catalonia, his wife, Marta
Ferrusola, pointed out that “our
nationalism is fed with our History”, and his political heir, Artur Mas, asserted that History was one
of the basic pillars of Catalonian nationalism.
Miguel de Unamuno said that nationalism was the
craze of those hot-headed spoiled by the
indigestion of bad history, Gaziel that Catalonian historians used to narrate not the History but the dream
of the History of Catalonia, and Ricardo García Cárcel that Catalonian society
was sick of the past. According to Canal, Nationalism is to a great extent
responsible for this illness because it has given great importance to the
construction of a story to generate identity and uphod political projects. Myth
and lies have been merged in the History of Catalonia, which has resulted in a
fundamental instrument for the “catalonization”
of the society. The story turns around the search of a nation that existed
since the time of the Pyrenean Earldoms
and whose weak periods coincided with the attempts by Castille.Spain to destroy
Catalonia . It
maintains that Catalonia is one of the oldest nations in Europe, pays no attention
the the Aragon Crown, considers that Catalonia had already started its way
towards democracy in the XVII century and states that the conquest of Barcelona
on 11 September 1714 by the Spanish troops provoked the end of a Nation and of
a State. Catalonia ,
however, never was a sovereign and independent State, but a part of a wider
political entity, the Kingdons of France or of Aragón. According to Claudio de
Ramón, Nationalism is an ideology based on the production of lies and of ethnic
Nationalism considers that Catalonia
is superior to Spain
and that is why it should separate, and this attitude responds to ethnic
criteria. In his book “The Warrior´s
Honour”, Michael Ignatieff has reflected on the reasons which led to the
explosion of ethnic conflicts, especially in the former Yugoslavia -How was it possible that
people who had been living peacefully together during centuries started
suddenly to kill one another in a bloody
way? He arrived at the conclusion that it was due to the decision of
politicians who –after President Tito´s death- saw in Nationalism a gold mine
to get votes, since it was sufficient with listing grievances so that each
defeat, each drop of blood, was scored in the Book of Rancor and, in that way –annotation
after annotation- an identity was built
and an electoral basis was formed in the quickest and most effective manner, by
means of exclusion. And when a State –that has the monopoly of force- sides
with a community, those excluded look for shelter in the tribe and, in little
time, they try to take justice into their hands. Catalonia has not reached this extreme, but
President Sánchez´ condescendence with the sectarianism of the Generalitat does not foresee good auguries. As Elisa de la Nuez has pointed out, it is
difficult to uphold a discourse which defends that modernity passes by the
nationalist ethnicism of the XXI century and by tics characteristic of
authoritarian regimes.
For Oriol Junqueras, Catalonians are similar to
the French or the Italians, whereas the Spaniards are more like the Portuguese
or –what seems to be even worse- the Morocans. Pere Soler has commented that he
felt pity for the Spaniards and Joaquim Torra s insults and depreciatory
comments about them are well known. In reply to his accusation that Catalonia
was been attacked by Spanish Fascism, Albert Rivera stated that what was a
proof of Fascism was to call “degenerate
beasts” to most of the Catalonians and the rest of the Spaniards, to
violate the Constitution and the Statute in order to declare independence, and
uphold the violence of separatist commandos. As Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has
pointed out, in Catalonia
a factious group is in command, which is purely fascist, both in its aims and
its means: A supremacist agenda,
elimination of dissidents and obscene politisation of the police.
Redondo has stated that the concerted action of
the institutions and of a part of the
citizen in Catalonia –there can be no totalitarianism without social support-
is the representation of a raising autoritorianism that, fortunately, has not been so far sufficient
to defeat the Spanish State and the European Union, but –when a part of the
society is turned into a mob- we reach a situation close to totalitorianism.
The proposals to recover the provisions of the Statute adopted by the Parlamentin in 2005, which were declared
illegal by the Constitutional Court, would mean the abandonment of the
Catalonians who have opposed the independence process. The solution may be
found in the creation of a reasonable political frame in which the various
sectors of the Catalonian society may establish a dialogue and, for this
purpose, it is indispensable to end with the signs of autoritarianism which
have appeared in Catalonia .
According to Íñigo Calderón, wherever the nationalists hold power, they use
their competences and the Official Gazette to converge within their autonomic
ambits, to eliminate domestic differences, to homogenize internal plurality and
to synthesize an artificial social singularity, which becomes the objective of
their policies, a collective singularity which replaces individual
singularities. This synthetic singularity turns into the famous “fet diferencial” invoked by Jordi Pujol.
Nationalists assert themselves by this “differencial fact” in contraposition
against the State. The fact of being different –or of appearing to be so-
explains the excluding character of Nationalism. César A. Molina has pointed
out that Nationalism is a project of the political and economical elites with a
view to exclude non-nationalists. Nationalism puts aside the citizen, who become
subject of an absolutist regime imposed
on them. It uses the same tricks as populisms of various kinds, which seek a
radical break with the statu quo. Nationalism
has destroyed multiracial, lingüistic and cultural life in common, gone a step
back in the civilization process and prevented the possibility that citizen may
live together as equal.
This cultural, ethnic, territorial and
monolingüistic nationalism has given place to two types of citizen: “those who exclude”, who comply with the
imposed rules, and “those who are
excluded “, who are rejected because they do not comply with the said rules.
Nationalism intends to exclude other people and this is precisely its “raison d´être”, because its goal –as
that of totalitarianism- is the homogenization of the society and the
repression of citizens who oppose it. “The
fear of globalization and of the loss of their roots, immigration and
xenophobia, the frontal attack against democracy and its representative
institutions, faith in authoritarianism newly formulated violence, the impetus
of ´patrioterism´ and the claim of a
single and pure culture are little by little finding their way. Nationalism
assumes the moral monopoly of the representation and the control of the means
of communication”.
In Catalonia ,
the same people are always in command, with the result that a half of Catalonian
has no right to their own institutions. Those who do not share the official
truth are singled out, in the middle of a “spiral
of silence”, and the institutions do not protect a very important part of
the citizens, because these institutions are partisan, being only for nationalists.
One can detect in Nationalism the nostalgia
for a past where a “sol poble” –a single group of people-
did and undid at will, and no one dared to protest. The longing for a small and
identitarian fatherland id similar to the feelings shown by “brexiters” for the loss of the Empire or
by Donald Trump´s s supporters of a robust, male and white America.
Nowithstanding, nothing of that is going to return, because History advances in
a different direction.
According to Fernando de Haro, in the West
there are movements which renounce rationality in order to solve their identity
requirements. Nationalists iarelinked with secularization, since the nation has
always been subject of worship. “Those
who believed in enlightened tradition thought that the beast had been tamed,
but when enlightenment fades away, the beast reappears. The sacred element
reappears in seeking an objective, and the one closest is the nation”.
Every culture is judged for its capacity to
pass from what is particular to
what is universal, and the “absolutization” of what is particular shows the
cultural and anthropological weakness of the whole society and not only of the
elites. The dissolution of evidences provokes an identity anxiety which prompts
people to possess what is easy. From here, the unreality of Nationalism and the
irrationality of Nationalists can be deduced. They live in the self-deceit of
an invented virtual world, which is converted into reality by the “post-truth”. They do not think with the
brain, but with the bowells, are carried away by feeling and discard reason.
That is why it is so difficult to dialogue with nationalists, since they only
try to impose their criteria and their dogmas upon others. As Albert Camus
said, I am afraid of a person whom I cannot convince, because one cannot argue
with them. The real Spain
is in danger of institutional discomposure and of territorial fracture because
of Nationalism.
Another of the features of Nationalism is –in
the opinion of Jorge Bustos- the “adversative
acception”. Nationalists believe that the world owes them something which
was unjustly taken away from them, but –although the source of his rancor is
mythological, the effects over their neighbours are real. “Rather than being proud of what
is their own, nationalist feel the rejection of what is not their own”. For
this reason, there can be no moral equidistance between a unique cultural
project and another project of a half-breed living-together, born from the
plural agreement reached in 1978, from which nationalists try to segregate.
But, “what do we know, poor people
without papers in Equidistonia?
John Elliot has pointed out that the Catalonian
nationalism has built a story based on “half
truths, many lies and tons of victimism”,
as well as on “the nostalgia of a past
that never was”. He has blamed Pujol for the development of identitarian
Nationalism because in 1990 he adopted his “Strategy
for Catalonization”n and complained because constitutional Spain
has been unable to build a story which
may matched that of Catalonian Nationalism. In the view of Álvarez de Toledo,
nationalism is, above all, interference, an invasion of the collectivity in
individual freedom. The “Catalonian State” is an enormous bureaucratic gear
which “tramps on private life, demands
absolute ideological fidelity, imposes itself in the class-rooms, manipulates
text-books, okupy the TV plateaux and buries the citizen under a slab of
entities, consortia, institutes, foundations, embassies and observatories,
which cost a fortune in taxes and which act as employment agencies and factory
of thankful stomachs. Nationalism has created an illiberal State”.
Catalonian Nationalism is also insatiable and lacks
solidarity. Ortega y Gasset already warned Azaña in 1931 of the voracity and
greediness of Catalonian politicians, who never felt satisfied with what they
obtained and, when they achieved a concession from the State, they took it for
granted and immediately afterward they would ask for new benefits. Proofs of
the insolidarity with the other Autonomous Communities are the claim of the
ordinality principle and the inclusion in the Catalonian Statute of a clause,
according to which the Spanish State should invest in infrastructures in
Catalonia the equivalent of the contribution of the Community to the national
GNP, which is a retrograde provision since is tantamount to give more to those
who have more.
Nationalisms are also bellicose. Without going
to the extreme of François Mitterand who said that Nationalism was war, it can
be stated that Nationamism has
caused many
conflicts. including de two World Wars and the civil war in former Yugoslavia .
Emmanuel Macron has asserted that a Nationalism which excludes was treason to patriotism, because it exacerbated
the differences and tried to dynamite the State of Right . But –as Mira Milosechiv has pointed
out- in the XIX and XX centuries, ntionalism fought for territories through
war, whereas nowadays the battles are fought through propaganda and the
manipulation of public opinion, Lack of information and fake news form part of
the strategy of the nationalists to internationalize the supposed conflict
between Catalonia and Spain .
According to Félix Ovejero, tension and disloyalty are the
ways for Nationalism to stand in politics. Nationalism is the problem that Nationalist
submit as the solution of the problem that it creates and from which it is
nourished. It is an ideology constitutively unequal which should be resisted,
if we want to remain as a community of citizens free and equal. For the nationalists,
however Nationalism is an immutable constant and an unbeaten manifestation of
its political scenery and should not be combated. It is the answer to a just
cause and, accordingly, the nationalists do not even consider the possibility
of a defeat. There are no doubts, nevertheless, that the nationalism is
antidemocratic. It is not so much a proceeding as its quintessence, which
consists in raising frontiers in a perimeter of identities. The nationalists
are against deciding and sharing with other fellow citizen, and their aim is to
break the community of those who want to live together. It is neither the
distorted expression of a just cause nor of a reality ignored or despised, because its obscenity is
based in a lie: the fable of the immutable identities. They invoke an
inexistent world. However, “the
nationalism can be defeated and we have the moral obligation to do so”. Mario
Vargas Llosa has invited all citizen to fight against Nationalism openly and
without any complex, because it is one of the worst plagues of mankind. It defends
a retrograde past to which we do not want to return. It does not matter its
colour or its origin, since all nationalisms are racist and discriminatory, and
start from a false premise: the superiority of a community because of its
ethnic origin or the birthplace of its members.
We should oppose
Patriotism to Nationalism, following the thesis of Maurizio Viroli, who –in his
book “For Love of the Fatherland”-
has confronted these two movements. Nationalism combats heterogeneity and
pluralism, and emphasizes linguistic, cultural and ethnic homogeneity. It
claims to defend “the people”, but
only “its people”, understood as an
homogeneous community, which needs to be protected from cultural pluralism and
the risks of immigration. On the other hand, Patriotism claims love for the political institutions
which uphold the common freedom. “The
true meaning of Patriotism is linked to a longstanding tradition of political thinking based on the principle of
freedom”. Only Patriotism can defeat Nationalism and the democratic left
should change its reluctant attitude and its animosity toward the fatherland,
the common home of all citizens. In the same line of thought, Roger Cohen has
stated that “the self-compassionate and
aggressive nationalism tries to change the present in the name of an illusory
past, in order to create a vague future in all respects except in its glory.
Pregnant with violence and manipulating fear, it is an exercise of massive
deceit, what I hate with all my soul”. Having been a correspondent in the Balkan Wars, Cohen has defined himself
as a “European Patriot”, because he
witnessed how Nationalism managed to convert the cosmopolitan city of Sarajevo in
the place where his friend, the Bosnian actor Nermin Tulic, lost his legs after
a Serbian bombardment, what proved that
the devil who had wrecked the continent was only sleeping. To counteract
this situation we could only rely on Patriotism, which was to Nationalism “what dignity is to barbarism”.
The Spanish Supreme Court has just beguin
the trial of some of the leaders of Catalonian Nationalism, not for their ideas
–as the prosecuted politicians have claimed-, but for their constant violation
of the Constitution, the Catalonian Statute and the laws, both national and
autonomic, despite the warnings of the Constitutional Court. If it is true that the Government and the Supreme Court
are prosecuting Catalonian nationalists because of their political ideas, how
is it possible that Joaquim Torra and Roger Torrent have not been prosecuted
despite the fact that they continue daily their task to achieve the
independence of Catalonia ?
How can be explained that persons who do
not only think but also act in order to separate Catalonia from Spain in defiance
of the Constitution and of the prohibitions of the Constitutional Court continue
to maintain the highest posts in the Generalitat
and in the Parlament?
Torra´s case is
notorious. He is the President of an Autonomous Community by the virtue of a
Constitution and a Statute that he violates day after day. He has proclaimed
his determination to establish an independent Republic in Catalonia ,
despised and insulted the King, asked publicly citizens to attack the State,
promoted the violent actions of the Committees for the Defence of the Republic and
placed himself in a situation of permanent rebellion against the Spanish State . The efficient “agitprop” of Catalonian nationalism has, however, succeeded
in convincing a part of international public opinion that the poor Catalonian
nationalists are been attacked by a dictatorial State because of their noble
ideas. The conclusion that one may reach from this illogical logic is that the
Spanish Government is not only antidemocratic, but also utterly stupid and
Madrid, 22 February 2019